The ITI Action Committee for Artist Rights has been formed at the 33rd World congress of the International Theatre Institute in Xiamen, China, September 2011.

The group will watch and make the international theatre community react to treats and violence against theatre people and severe restrictions to work with theatre activities, wherever it occurs in the world. If you have to report about such cases, please, refer to the contact menu of this site.  


The work includes:


Motion to the 33 ITI world congress by the working group for Actions against Violation of Human Rights of Theatre People  

Considering that

The Working Group for Actions against Violation of the Human Rights of Theatre People appeals to the 33rd ITI World congress of the ITI to increase the emphasis on this issue.

Cases of violation of the rights of theatre artists and the right to free artistic expression can be collected, proved, analyzed and made public.

Additionally, the human rights issue and the right to free artistic expression need to be addressed on a formal political level.

ITI, like other NGOs, should raise its voice by making official statements to political authorities. These statements should be prepared on the basis of the experience and the research of the working group, with broad participation of national centers, and in connection with other international networks and activities.

Actions should be taken on different levels:

Therefore the working group asks the 33rd ITI World Congress to give the existing working group for Actions against Violation of the Human Rights of Theatre People the formal status of an ITI Committee, namend therefter the ITI Action Committee for Artists Rights, and to encourage the national centres and the Executive Council to support the work of this committee.

Motion submitted by ITI Germany, supported by ITI centres of: Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Finland, Israel, Ivory Coast, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, USA,  Slovenia and Sweden.

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