Copenhagen Summit on Artistic Freedom of Expression

Posted by Administrator (wb_admin) on 16/01/2012
2011-13 >> Europe&USA&Canada

There is an urgent necessity to launch an international initiative to protect and promote freedom of artistic and creative expression (in the visual arts, music, dance, film, writers, theatre etc.) with the goal of increasing awareness about violations of freedom of expression in the arts among artists and the arts sector, in the media, among political bodies, human rights and free speech organizations, as well as among the general public.

 This initiative will:

Arterial Network

ECA – European Council of Artists

ECSA – European Composer and Songwriter Alliance

FERA – FEDERATION OF European Film directors

FIA – The International Federation of Actors


Freemuse – The World Forum on Music & Censorship   

ICAF – International Committee for Artists’ Freedom

IETM – International Network for Contemporary Performing Arts

IFCCD – International Federation of Coalitions for Cultural Diversity

Index on Censorship  

PEN International    

NCAC – National Coalition Against Censorship, USA

Last changed: 16/01/2012 at 17:46

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