State Theatres to be abolished in Turkey

Posted by Administrator (wb_admin) on 30/05/2013
2011-13 >> Middle East

A letter from the The International Blacksea Theatre Festival:

"All State Art Foundations : State Theatres, State Opera and Ballet, Symphony Orchestras, Modern Dance Companies are being abolished in TURKEY. 

You will watch the last voice of State Theatres Turkey trying to inform people in the country to aware them about the silent dangerous process. 

Turkish State Theatres, member of European Theatre Convention, staging 150 different plays, performing about 6000 times, bring about 450 national and international tours, organising 5 international festivals each of them member of the International Festival Union is about to say farewell to its spectators.

Trabzon Devlet Tiyatrosu Mudurlugu"

Last changed: 30/05/2013 at 13:09

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