UNESCO Convention for the Diversity of Cultural Expressions
Has your country signed the convention?
International Federation of Coalitions for Cultural Diversity (IFCCD)
freedimensional.org freeDimensional advances social justice by hosting activists in art spaces and using cultural resources to strengthen their work. See also: freedimensional.org/services/distress-services/creative-safe-haven
International Committee for Artists Freedom (ICAF) an EQUITY commitee, whose mission is to campaign impartially and apolitically on behalf of those engaged in the performing arts
"Allt that is banned is desired": the webpage of artsfreedom.org, is administered by freemuse (see below) and collects international news and knowledge about artistic freedom of expression
freemuse.org the world forum for music and censorhip
Freedom to Create supports programmes and projects around the world that unleash people’s creativity
Theatre without borders shares information and builds connections between individuals and institutions interested in international theatre exchange
IFEX International Freedom of Expression Exchange
on the move the Culture mobility information network
Arts Right Justice International Coalition for Arts, Human Rights & Social Justice
The Manifesto Club campaigns: "...against the hyperregulation of everyday life. We support free movement across borders, free expression and free association.
Claiming Human Rights: Guide to international procedures available in cases of human rights violations in Africa
The PEN international caselist: Twice a year the PEN International Writers In Prison Committee produces a caselist of individuals around the world who are detained or otherwise persecuted for their peaceful political activities or for the practice of their profession
www.guerillaproject.org This project is made by the ITI Dramatic Theatre Committee to share examples of Guerilla Theatre Projects and Performance Art Activism.
Report on freedom of creative expression in Africa 2012
article19.org refers to Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights - freedom of expression and information. Multilingual information and campaigning platform.
Cultural mobility and visas On the Move information page